At GC Osteopathy we pride ourselves in offering a great reception service Read the full article...
Osteopathy for Adults
Adults come to GC Osteopathy with a wide range of conditions.
We commonly see back pain, neck pain, muscle pain, headaches, migraines, lack of joint mobility, poor posture, poor circulation, vertigo and sports injuries.
Age is no barrier. We see adults right into their late 90s.
Osteopathy for Children
At GC Osteopathy we see children with ear infections, digestive problems, headaches, injuries from knocks and falls, sports injuries, behavioural problems, for asthma support and more ----
Dr Joyaa Antares is formally recognised by Osteopathy Australia as an Advanced Paediatric Osteopath.
Osteopathy for Babies and Pregnant Mums
A growing body of evidence supports the osteopathic care of babies as a safe treatment approach.
Many women find osteopathic treatment helpful throughout their pregnancy; to relieve any discomfort or pain and in preparation for labour.
Appointments in ClinicWhat can I Expect?
At GC Osteopathy we have systems in place to make all aspects of your appointment run as smoothly as possible. Here we tell you how you can book your consultation, what you can expect on the day and more ----
Phone and Video AppointmentsTelehealth Unavailable at Present
Telehealth is an additional type of service providing contact with clients who cannot attend the clinic, for whatever reason. It's not available at present because most clients much prefer the in-clinic option.
Gov't Assisted AppointmentsGPMP, DVA, Workcover
At GC Osteopathy you can access Osteopathic sessions on a GP Management Plan, via the DVA and through Workcover. Criteria always apply and you must visit your GP first to get a referral. Under a GP Management Plan a gap payment applies.
Recent Blogs
If you are considering osteopathy for your toddler or baby, here's some info Read the full article...
In to a larger room at the rear of the complex Read the full article...
Now that GC Osteopathy is in Mudgeeraba, here's some information about our charming hinterland… Read the full article...